Retirement planning in the new market landscape

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Meet new challenges

The 30-year plus era of lower interest rates has come to an end and it’s presenting new challenges for Canadians investing for their retirement. 

  • Fear of longevity risk: As Canadians live longer and healthy lives, they may outlive their retirement savings
  • Increased living costs: Higher inflation is pushing up the rising costs of goods and services.
  • Navigating volatile markets: Investors need help meeting their retirement goals.

To address these challenges, advisors can help investors think differently about how to generate returns, find the right amount of retirement income, and stay nimble in this period of volatility.

Read our 2024 Market Outlook

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A forest path

Stay on track

Markets have seen a drawdown as they faced a global pandemic, runaway inflation, tightening monetary policy and renewed geopolitical tensions. It’s understandable that investors get anxious and are tempted to lose sight of their long-term retirement savings goals.

It’s important to remember that bear markets happen regularly through market cycles, but historically they have been short-lived compared to bull markets. Staying invested ensures you capture all the upside as markets rebound.

A forest path
Advisors looking at a screen

Capitalize on opportunity

The changing market environment can be challenging to navigate, but it also presents new opportunities for investors today. 

  • A rising interest rate environment makes it easier to find higher yield, whether that means generating income today or looking for an attractive entry point for long-term fixed income investing.
  • Equity markets are attractively valued and have the potential for higher returns following a steep selloff.
  • Advisors can help find opportunities and balance risk by looking to other markets, sectors, and currencies to help generate risk-adjusted returns.

Snapshot: Balancing short-term volatility with long-term opportunity

Advisors looking at a screen

Responsible investing solutions

Building resilient portfolios, no matter how the market is behaving, is the key to generating retirement income. Whether you’re looking for funds to use as building blocks or prefer a single-ticket portfolio, we offer an extensive lineup of responsible investing solutions. 

NEI Clean Infrastructure Fund

Ecofin Advisors

NEI Environmental Leaders Fund

Impax Asset Management

NEI Global Dividend RS Fund

Amundi Asset Management

NEI Global Total Return Bond Fund

Amundi Asset Management

Fund Name Responsible investment strategy Portfolio manager or sub advisor
NEI Clean Infrastructure Fund
Ecofin Advisors
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NEI Environmental Leaders Fund
Impax Asset Management
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NEI Global Dividend RS Fund
Amundi Asset Management
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NEI Global Total Return Bond Fund
Amundi Asset Management
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NEI Select Income RS Portfolio

NEI Investments

NEI Select Growth & Income RS Portfolio

NEI Investments

NEI Select Balanced RS Portfolio

NEI Investments

NEI Select Growth RS Portfolio

NEI Investments

NEI Select Maximum Growth RS Portfolio

NEI Investments

NEI Select Income & Growth RS Portfolio

NEI Investments

NEI Select RS Portfolios

Fund Name Responsible investment strategy Portfolio manager or sub advisor
NEI Select Income RS Portfolio
NEI Investments
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NEI Select Growth & Income RS Portfolio
NEI Investments
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NEI Select Balanced RS Portfolio
NEI Investments
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NEI Select Growth RS Portfolio
NEI Investments
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NEI Select Maximum Growth RS Portfolio
NEI Investments
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NEI Select Income & Growth RS Portfolio
NEI Investments
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Marketing resources

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.