Tools for planning your financial future

To reach your financial goals, you need to make informed investment decisions. And for that, you need the right tools. Experiment with our calculators and discuss with your financial advisor to determine the best path for you.

FHSA Calculator (NEW!)

New! See how much you can save towards the purchase of your first home by investing with a First Home Savings Account (FHSA). Compare two scenarios.

Savings growth

Compare two investment scenarios to see how time horizon, rate of return and investment frequency impact growth.

Retirement calculator

See if your savings will meet your income needs in retirement.

RRIF payment

Calculate your RRIF payment and see how they change over time.

Income stream comparison

This calculator lets you compare two investment scenarios to see how long your savings will last.

Advantage of starting early

See how investing early to take advantage of compounding can have a big impact on your RRSP.

RRSP tax savings

Calculate the tax savings generated by your RRSP contributions.

LIF payment

Calculate your LIF payment and see how they change over time.

Distribution of returns

See how your investment timeframe impacts the likelihood of achieving your target rate of return.

Savings to reach a goal

Have a savings goal in mind? See how long it will take to achieve your goal if you start today.

TFSA versus RRSP

Weigh the benefits of investing in a TFSA versus an RRSP.

Cash flow calculator

Use this calculator to track your household income and expenses.

Pay yourself first

See how setting aside a percentage of your income can add up over time.

Capital required for income

Find out how much you need to save to generate a specific annual income stream.

The value of staying invested

See how missing the best months in the market can significantly impact the growth of your investments.

Net worth calculator

Calculate your net worth by comparing your assets to your liabilities.

Time to recover

See how long it would take for your portfolio to recover from market downturns.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.