Introducing the NEI Global Corporate Leaders Fund

There’s a new path to performance
NEI Global Corporate Leaders Fund is a global equity mandate that seeks to deliver long-term growth by investing in socioeconomic trends and corporate culture.

Featured funds

We offer a diverse range of funds designed to meet the needs of every type of investor.


NEI US Equity RS Fund F

Focused on growth while seeking to maintain downside protection.

Fixed income

NEI Global Total Return Bond Fund F

An investment grade, unconstrained global bond fund focused on total return.


NEI Long Short Equity Fund F

Alternative Investment solution designed to capture more upside with less broad market risk.

From ESG to impact investing

Learn about responsible investing, ESG analysis, impact investing and more by accessing the resources in our investor education hub.

An engineer studies large silver tanks on a warehouse floor.

Investing for corporate responsibility

Corporations have a responsibility to the communities in which they operate. Here we take a closer look corporate governance. 

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Aerial view of a river running through a forest

Investing to protect the Earth

As the stresses of human activity on our natural world become increasingly intense, more investors are using their portfolios to push for change. 

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Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.