Responsible from the beginning

Offshore oil platform combined with windmills on a wide-open field.

A man reads a book to his child.

Program overview

Everything we do at NEI starts with our purpose: to help Canadians achieve their financial goals while making a positive impact on the world. But how exactly do we do that? 

From our RI Policy to active ownership, from proxy voting to ESG integration, and from impact investing to shareholder resolutions, the tools in our responsible investment toolbox can get the job done. 

A man reads a book to his child.
A woman sitting on a couch reads from her tablet.

Get educated

Do you want to learn the ins-and-outs of responsible investing? Have you heard the phrase “ESG investing” but don’t really know what it means? Would you like tips for making a positive impact with your portfolio? We can help.

A woman sitting on a couch reads from her tablet.
Icebergs crumbling in the ocean.

Climate strategy

The goal of our climate strategy is to drive real-world reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions. Achieving that goal requires action on many fronts, beginning with alignment to net zero and running through our active ownership program, our policy and standards work, our commitment to transparency and reporting, and more.

Icebergs crumbling in the ocean.
Paperwork showing charts, graphs and tables.

Measuring our success

The best way to learn what we do and see concrete examples of our responsible investment program in action is to read our reports. We’ll tell you about the conversations we’re having with companies. We’ll update you on the impact our funds are making. We’ll illustrate how our climate strategy is helping reduce carbon emissions. And more...

Paperwork showing charts, graphs and tables.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.